As a Rio Olympic Medalist and World Champion, I know all too well what pain you need to go through to make it to the top of your sport. I apply Athletes Gel before and after I get in the Kayak, so I can stay pain free.
Lachlan Tame - Rio Olympic Bronze Medal K-2 & World K2 500 Champion
Pain Management
Applying Athletes Gel to the skin may assist in the reduction of external pain symptoms, bruising and inflammation, based on the natural ingredients used in the formula and their traditional history of use.
Use only as Directed, avoid contact with eyes and keep out of reach of children
If a pain or injury persists seek professional medical advice
Management & prevention of the most common pain complaints

What is an anti-inflammatory?
Any substance that acts to reduce certain signs of inflammation, pain, swelling, fever, and tenderness in muscle tissue is referred to as anti-inflammatory.
Common anti-inflammatory treatments include:
- NSAIDS- Non-steroidal anti-inflammatories
- There are many herbs, roots and plants that have a history of traditional use in managing pain and inflammation
- Low impact exercises, stretching and hydrotherapy may assist in anti-inflammatory action
- Ice treatments are commonly used to reduce inflammation in external conditions

Knee Pain
Being one of the largest joints in the body, the knee can experience pain due to a range of factors. Whether its' overuse, cartilage degeneration, bio-mechanical flaws, stretched ligaments or surrounding muscle strains, there are multiple factors than can influence knee pain. In general some pain management principles may assist in giving comfort.
Tips to managing knee pain
- Where there is significant pain, swelling and bruising seek medical attention.
- Apply RICE treatment principles of rest, ice, compression and elevation.
- Low impact and aquatic therapy may help to alleviate mild pain.
- Contrast hot and cold therapy over the knee may assist in reducing pain.
- Reduce inflammation and relieve pain by resting and applying ice to the knee.

Shoulder Pain
Improper lifting, repetitive movements ,overuse, sports injuries and even carrying a bag on your shoulder can cause pain in this joint.
Tips to managing shoulder pain
- Where there is significant pain, swelling and bruising seek medical attention. There could be a range of factors that result in shoulder pain, from injury to a degenerative condition.
- Apply RICE treatment principles of rest, ice, compression and elevation.
- Contrast hot and cold therapy over the shoulder may reduce pain.
- Learn about lifting properly, especially above shoulder height. Avoid carrying weights above the shoulder for extended periods. Rest for good periods of time when doing repetitive shoulder motions.

Lower Back Pain
Lower pain is also referred to as lumbago and 80% of people will experience lower back pain at some stage in their life. Poor Posture, improper lifting, lack of exercise, fractures or ruptured discs are just some of the common causes. It mostly concerns the nerves, muscles and bones of the back or spine. Pain can vary from a constant ache to a sharp impinging pain.
Tips to managing lower back pain
- Apply RICE treatment principles to a new lower back strain including rest, ice, compression and elevation.
- For ongoing pain in lower back, see a doctor who will typically prescribe a medical treatment, over the counter pain relief, anti-inflammatory in conjunction with a physical therapy program.
- Keeping a strong core will assist in taking pressure off the lower back.
- Consult a Chiropractor, Physiotherapist or Osteopath to determine the best course of treatment for your individual circumstances.

Joint Pain
The area in which two bone ends meet to allow motion of that body part is referred to as joint. Shoulders, knees, ankles and elbows are all typical joints of the body, with the bones separated by cartilage which serves as shock absorbers to adjacent bones.
Pain in any joint can be caused by disease ,injury or trauma. Pain can be caused by conditions occurring outside or within the joint, with the majority coming from ligaments, cartilage, tendons, bone or bursae. Joint pain is often accompanied by inflammation.
Tips to managing joint pain
- Apply RICE treatment principles to a new joint injury. Rest, ice, compression and elevation. Alternate between hot and cold applications to assist with inflammation.
- Where there is significant pain, inflammation and bruising seek medical attention.
- If arthritis is the cause of joint pain, it can require anti-inflammatory medication depending on the type of arthritis.
- Increase the strength of your surrounding muscles can alleviate stress on joints. Especially in the case of knee pain where activating quadriceps can help to take pressure off knees.
- Diet is a factor with joint problems, so avoid carbonated drinks which can affect cartilage strength.
- Bracing a joint with an athletic support can help to structure movement.

Arthritis Pain
When it comes to Arthritis conditions there are 3 main types; Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid and Post Traumatic Arthritis.There are a host of possible causes which include age, disease, bone density, cartilage deterioration, malnutrition, continuous physical stress, obesity, glandular insufficiency, trauma, calcium deficiency or dietary intake. The prolonged pain and immobility can be debilitating.
Tips to managing osteo arthritis and post traumatic arthritis pain
- Consult a Doctor or Medical physician to determine the nature of your condition and solutions offered.
- Keep a balanced diet high in Calcium including fruits and vegetables
- Do low impact exercises and stretching to enhance mobility
- Avoid grains where possible as they are considered to stimulate inflammation in the body.
- Supplement with Oganic Sulphur in the form of Methyl Sulfonyl Methane and Tissue salts to decrease inflammation in the body.
- The lack of synovial fluid in an arthritic joint can lead to increased pain- look to supplement with Hyaluronic Acid and collagen supplements.

Ankle Pain
Approximately 80% of all ankle injuries are due to ankle sprain. This happens when ligaments are extended beyond a point leading to minor or complete tears. Other causes of ankle pain can may be due to injury or degenerative conditions in local structures within or around the joint. Common injuries to the ankle occur in stop, start sports where turning at speed causes mechanical disfunction in the ankle- a rolled ankle is quite common in netball, afl and soccer.
Tips to managing ankle pain
- Apply RICE treatment to a new ankle strain or minor injury. Alternate between hot and cold applications and keep the ankle elevated.
- For serious injuries and long term pain in the ankle consult a medical practitioner. Scans and x-rays may be required.
- Deep tissue massage and functional active release can be used to to lengthen the Achilles tendon, the muscles of the calf or plantar fascia in the foot. A Chiropractor, Physiotherapist or Osteopath may assist with symptoms associated with tendonitis.
- Ankle joints are also susceptible to arthritis and gout. Your medical practitioner may recommend non-steroidal anti-inflammatories in this case.

Tendonitis is inflammation of a tendon. They are bands of strong connective tissue that attach muscle to bone and are composed of collagen. Overuse of the tendons by repetitive actions or calcium deposits are two common factors causing tendonitis.
Injury is the most likely culprit in the onset of tendonitis, but it can be easily brought on by work habits, hobbies or even poor posture.
Tips to managing tendonitis pain
- Hyaluronic Acid (HA) promotes collagen function, as it is needed to bind the collagen and elastin fibers together to form collagen bundles. Look at supplementation with HA.
- Treatments include rest, ice, pain relievers, stretching, physiotherapy and bandaging.
- Inflamed tendons are more susceptible to stress, strain, movement and tears. Avoid actions that can stimulate inflammation.
- There could be other reasons you experience tendonitis and this is where ongoing pain, stiffness and inflammation need to be assessed by a medical professional. Rheumatoid arthritis creates stiffness and pain in joints and tendons. Reactions to certain medications and food types can also irritate or put stress on tendons.
Disclaimer: The information given within this page is a guide only and should not replace the advice given by your Doctor or Sports Medicine Practitioner. In the event of a serious or life threatening injury seek professional medical services. If an injury persists see your health professional.