With over 3 million Fitness Centre Members, 4 Million Sports Players, 500,000 Coaches or Trainers and in excess of 70,000 Sports Clubs in Australia, it is clear that the time has come for a product like Athletes Gel to be created for this market.
If you or your organisation is interested in becoming a Product Partner with us, then register your interest below.
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AUSTRALIA There are very few Listed Medicines that directly target the sports industry. For Athletes Gel, it is a positive space and Athletes can take ownership of a product designed for them more so than a generic product that their grand parents use.
Notwithstanding, all of our natural ingredients are designed to support pain relief, anti-inflammatory action and faster recovery. The ingredients are very common in Listed medicines around the world. We have just taken the best of them and used more than our competitors here and overseas.
This gives us a very strong formula that all users feel gives them better relief, improved movement and faster recovery. The Australian Sporting community is one of the strongest in the world per capita and our positioning of Athletes Gel moves us into a new space- PERFORMANCE

U SA The United States controls a third of the global analgesic market (Allied Market Research, 2016) . As Athletes Gel is an Over the counter medicine and analgesic, then opportunities exist here. Gels are the dominant format in topical analgesics with 88% current retail value share of sales.
Because of regulatory changes and marketing activities in mid 2015, the Food and Drug Administration is warning users of for non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs due to the increased risks of heart attack and stroke. Label Warnings will move many consumers to more natural topicals like Athletes Gel.
“World Analgesic Market-Opportunities Forecast, 2015-2022”. In this article, it’s specified that the analgesic market in the United States will reach the lucrative amount of $26.4 billion by 2022.

EUROPE With a combined population of over 740 million people, Europe is considered a valuable prospect in the sales of Athletes Gel. Clearly football is the number one played sport, but winter sports bring great opportunities for resellers and distributors
Among the different nations, various preferences can be seen regarding types of sport. Hiking, cycling, running and swimming however seem to be the most common sports as they are recurrent among the most popular sports in most countries such as France, Italy, Spain and the Netherlands
Fitness markets in Europe. The top 18 countries have 51.5 million members (98.2% of the European market), revenues of EUR 25.7 billion (96.5%) and 48,217 clubs (94.2%).

PERFORMANCE The sports men and women involved in the development of Athletes Gel were very clear about what they wanted out of our product. It had to be all natural, effective, ASADA safe and give them the ability to get back in the game faster or perform for longer.
As a result, the Athletes Gel passed the stringent requirements of some of Australia's elite athletes. This creates a perfect space in the sale of our product to Athletes, Teams, Coaches, Conditioners from all levels of the sporting landscape.
Tapping into the spheres of influence of those mentioned is a perfect reseller channel, as all will have social media, blog and website followings. Referrals rank exceptionally high in consumer decisions to buy products

CLUBS Australian and overseas sporting clubs or organisations have one unique thing in common and that's the need for funding. Reselling through a website is easy and when purchasers are directed to your profile page on our site- you get paid every time.
The benefits to the Clubs is equally valuable as they also get a percentage of what is sold due to their efforts. Clubs can receive, revenues, tax deductions and donations. There are over 70,000 registered sports teams in Australia.
There is a global increase in non traditional sports that also represent great opportunities for Resellers of Athletes Gel. Sports like, Triathlon, Paddelboard, Kayaking, Surfing are really gaining a foothold and feature in many studies on Sports Mega Trends.

SPORTS MEDICINE With over 3 million Fitness Centre Members, 4 Million Sports Players, 500,000 Coaches or Trainers and in excess of 70,000 Sports Clubs in Australia, it is clear that there is a great need for Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation Practitioners.
Professionals involved in the treatment, rehabilitation and support of all those involved in sports are well respected and therefore provide great opportunities to partner with. These health practitioners will only recommend topical products that have been listed with the Therapeutic Goods Association.
As Athletes Gel is a listed medicine, we are in a prime position to approach practitioners like:
Sports Medicos, Physiotherapists, Massage Therapists & Sports Rehabilitation Specialists

FITNESS Fitness & Gymnasiums represent a massive opportunity for Athletes Gel Resellers. This market is ripe for introducing the ATHLETES GEL to gym owners and franchisees.
There are 54 million Fitness Centre members in the USA and Australia alone. Industry surveys and reports indicate that members have opted in for 2 contacts by their fitness centre each month.
A Members personal details, sex, billing options, training times, injuries & training types are recorded by the fitness centre owners, making them an ideal target.

EVENTS Every year in Australia, there are literally thousands of sporting events occurring every day. Our top sports in Australia are AFL, Netball, Football and Cricket, and each of these represent a great opportunity to partner with.
Look a little deeper into the Australian sports landscape and you will find local, state and national events that some people will only compete in once or twice a year. Events like Tough Mudder, Spartan, City to Surf, Gold Coast Marathon are popular.
These events and ones like them are perfect opportunities to partner with Resellers because our product is perfect for any sports person under any circumstance. Some events require sponsorship commitment where our model requires partnership.

SPORTS RETAIL Sports stores are a great channel for sales of Athletes Gel. As our positioning is geared towards performance we can direct market through sports stores.
All Sports stores have an online presence, so placing our product with online stores enables us to reach those customers who are prepared to buy a planned purchase under $30.
With major Australian players like Rebel Sport now being challenged by international Decathlon Sports offline and other online sports resellers, there are great opportunities globally.

E-COMMERCE Amazon controls the online sales in the US with 43% of all online retails sales. Back in 2015 they controlled 33% of all US online purchases, up from 25% in 2012. Moreover, e-commerce has been on the rise for the last ten years. This year it is expected that US consumer will spend $385 billion in e-commerce. .
Approximately 55% of consumers search Amazon first. Compared to 24% of consumers who begin their search on Google. Amazon Australia launched in 2017 and will provide opportunities to resell.
The number of global online customers has grown by nearly 20 million from 2015 to 2016. E-commerce is the channel with the highest average growth rate in the last years with 16%. There are other platforms like ETSY and eBay which still represent value as reseller channels.

FACEBOOK Three quarters of Australians are now on social media with penetration at 69%. Australians now spend more than half a day per week (12.5 hours) on Facebook alone. Facebook – 17,000,000 Monthly Active Australian Users
Facebook marketing provides a great opportunity to focus on core groups that promote memberships for an endless range of sports and outdoor activities. There are also many opportunities in the areas of pain, injury and arthritis, with all groups represented on facebook.
This direct marketing medium is perfect for reaching out to a qualified audience using tailored promotions and scaling your reach by focusing on affordable advertising budgets. Adding facebook pixels to an online advertising presence will also yield long term revenues

INSTAGRAM Instagram – 5,000,000 Monthly Active Australian Users.Instagram is also reasonably popular among medium (28%) and large (42%) sized businesses. hours.
This social media application is a perfect fit for Athletes Gel Resellers as targets can be qualified very quickly. With so many users on instagram, there are fantastic ways to collaborate with other Instagram members.
Whether it's tapping into the followers of users' paying for positive product posts, creating paid promotions or engaging partner companies, there are massive benefits for investing in Instagram.

PERSONAL TRAINERS Personal Trainers provide a great opportunity to sell our products on-line. As influencers with a high degree of sway over their trainees, their word goes a long way when it comes to product referrals. Many PT's work for themselves.
PT's also have the option of having a profile page contained on the AG Shopify site, so as to gain sales outside of their regular training groups. Most gyms and fitness centres have PT's on staff as well so there is the opportunity to promote though group classes.
Many PTs work for themselves. They are avid on social media platforms, favouring Instagram and Facebook.