Managing Arthritis Pain
When it comes to Arthritis conditions there are 3 main types; Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid and Post Traumatic Arthritis.There are a host of possible causes which include age, disease, bone density, cartilage deterioration, malnutrition, continuous physical stress, obesity, glandular insufficiency, trauma, calcium deficiency or dietary intake. The prolonged pain and immobility can be debilitating.
Tips to managing osteo arthritis and post traumatic
arthritis pain

- Consult a Doctor or Medical physician to determine the nature of your condition and solutions offered.
- Keep a balanced diet high in Calcium including fruits and vegetables
- Do low impact exercises and stretching to enhance mobility
- Avoid grains where possible as they are considered to stimulate inflammation in the body.
- Supplement with Oganic Sulphur in the form of Methyl Sulfonyl Methane and Tissue salts to decrease inflammation in the body.
- The lack of synovial fluid in an arthritic joint can lead to increased pain- look to supplement with Hyaluronic Acid and collagen supplements.
- Bracing a joint with an athletic support can help to structure movement.